Effectively monitoring and responding to feedback is essential for any organisation.
GovMan's fully integrated feedback API helps ensure that your customers requests, comments, and complaints will not go unattended.
What Is Feedback?
Feedback refers to customer or clients opinions or responses regarding the quality of a product or service they received. Obtaining feedback is primarily intended to measure levels of satisfaction.
It is important to get feedback not only to improve perceptions of your brand or your products, but also to improve the effectiveness of your service team, the engagement of your front-line agents, and how they are trained to handle future issues and inquiries.
Feedback is one of the key indicators of customer or client satisfaction and a requirement of many industry standards.
Why It's Important To Get Feedback
Feedback provides a greater understanding of customers, higher levels of satisfaction, increased referrals, and increased revenue, among other benefits. Furthermore, organisations that are customer-centric tend to be more profitable and succesful than their product-centric counterparts, owing to their ability to improve as a result of feedback.
Feedback provides a means of measuring customer satisfaction
Even though businesses may have the best expertise in their industry, customer insights are more valuable to business performance than professional knowledge. It is expected that you will take action when a customer interacts with you, whether they are satisfied or unhappy. Feedback from customers is important because it provides valuable insight into what works well about your product or service and what needs to be improved.
The analysis of feedback helps to make better decisions
Feedback holds a significant importance in that it is a reliable source of tangible data that can be used to make decisions in the future. Insights into your clients and their needs will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of them. Taking those suggestions into account, and then analyzing them, will help ensure you listen to feedback and translate it into actionable takeaways for your organisation.
Collecting feedback helps deliver better customer experience
It is important to harness feedback in order to ensure your business meets customer expectations. You can listen to and learn from your customers by creating a system for collecting feedback, and by giving your customers a platform, you will be able to understand what they think of you.
Receiving and responding to feedback increases customer loyalty
Involving your clients in the shaping of your business makes them feel more attached to your company. By asking them for feedback, you communicate the importance of their opinion. Listening to your customers' voices can help you build stronger relationships. As a result, you will gain valuable brand ambassadors that will spread your message through positive word-of-mouth, demonstrating that you value their opinion and that you are here for them, not the other way around.
GovMan will improve your feedback cycle
Developed in response to a request from one of our clients, our Feedback API allows submission of feedback directly into GovMan from a clients' website, intranet, or support portal. A nominated person is notified of submissions, with full processing and workflow available for any feedback received.
Implementation is simple and painless - with full instructions, reference, and code examples provided.